Analogix Announces SlimPort Compatibility with MyDP Mobile Connectivity Standard

Analogix Announces SlimPort Compatibility with MyDP Mobile Connectivity Standard

Analogix Announces SlimPort Compatibility with MyDP Mobile Connectivity Standard

To enable true HD and 3D streaming capabilities for mobile devices, eliminate royalties and restrictions of competing display standards and provide simplicity for consumers, Analogix Semiconductor, Inc., a leader in DisplayPort-based interconnect technologies, announced that SlimPort(TM) family of transmitter and receiver products are compatible with the proposed MyDP (Mobility DisplayPort) digital interface standard.

Both MyDP and Analogix’ SlimPort family of products are based on DisplayPort, an industry-proven technology. DisplayPort is an open, royalty-free digital-display interface standard that has achieved strong adoption in the PC, notebook, tablet and monitor spaces. MyDP, a companion of the DisplayPort standard, is a VESA proposed Mobility DisplayPort standard specified to reduce the number of communication signal pins for the mobile market.

“There has been a tremendous interest in our Slimport products, and making these work with the MyDP proposed standard expands the use of DisplayPort based solutions,” said Andre Bouwer, vice president of marketing for Analogix. “By enabling audio and video connectivity to the big screen, SlimPort products deliver tremendous value to the mobile device market for professional and home environments.”

SlimPort products are designed for mobile devices to deliver streaming, uncompressed 1080p/60Hz video up to 3D stereo vision and HD audio (up to 7.1 channels) to high definition TVs, monitors, or projectors over a mobile USB connector.

“DisplayPort has achieved strong adoption in the PC, notebook, tablet and monitor spaces and is growing in popularity for other CE devices and TVs,” said Dr. Jon Peddie, president of Jon Peddie Research. “With this immense technology acceptance, it would be a natural progression of DisplayPort to support HD display connectivity from mobile devices.”

For more information about SlimPort visit the Analogix website at

About Analogix Semiconductor

Analogix Semiconductor, Inc. designs and manufactures semiconductors for the digital multimedia market, from portable devices such as smartphones to high-end graphics cards and large, high-definition displays. Analogix is a leader in providing end-to-end interface connectivity semiconductor solutions for DisplayPort, including the SlimPort family of products.

Analogix Semiconductor
Kim Stowe, 408-839-8750